Thursday, May 05, 2005

Pro Innocent Life

Iowa is debating the issue of bringing back the death penalty. Due to the recent increase in attention of sexual predator crimes, they are talking about bringing this back after 40 years without.

I'm all for it. I'm pro innocent life all the way, but I firmly believe in punishment for the guilty. Sometimes that punishment means the loss of your earthly body. I've heard the argument that a life long prison sentence is a better punishment, but I disagree. I've read what the description of Hell is and I firmly believe that people who commit heinous, violent crimes need to meet their maker fast and receive their eternal punishment. Hell is much worse than anything we can do on earth.

Yes, I believe in Heaven and Hell. I believe that we are eternal creatures and that our obedience to Our Maker is what determines which eternal destination we take. I believe the the oldest records of man's history all point to The Creator and that science ends up pointing this out. You may disagree and that is your right. I would rather err on the side of The Creator to be safe. Well, there are more reasons than that, but the fear of eternal damnation is a good driver. So what if evolutionists turn out to be right. What prize do you get? Look at the rewards and punishments of the various belief systems. What would you rather err on the side of? Of course, how many people really research these things for themselves and develop their own set of beliefs? Oh, we, like sheep have...

Let the punishment fit the crime while we are on this planet. If you take the life of someone, you should lose yours. Don't give anyone more than one appeal and then put them to death the minute the appeal is denied. Don't wait a few years and cost the taxpayers a bunch of money. Do it quick and cheap.

Do I sound heartless? Oh, you may be asking "what if they turn out to be innocent"? So? Then let The Creator judge them eternally. We are just taking the earthly body of someone who was convicted of a crime we deem punishable by death. Will we make mistakes? Certainly. Do we get it right far more often than we get it wrong? Absolutely. We aren't perfect, but Our Creator is. That is the true scale of justice.

Just a long haired guy's opinion.

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