Sunday, January 22, 2006

Weekend Update

My youngest daughter really liked watching King Kong! I knew the oldest would enjoy it, but so did the youngest! That's great! They are also quite excited about going to see Superchick in a few weeks. I'm taking them to that show and helped them realize who Superchick is. They recognized the songs One Girl Revolution and Perfect Day from movies they've seen. Maybe they'll enjoy being on the front row and rocking out like I do at concerts...when I can.

Has anyone else noticed the trend in the NFL this year to have playoff games at the normal second and third game times? In Central time the norm is noon and 3:30pm during the season with a Sunday and Monday night game. It used to be in the playoffs that they would use those normal Sunday times, which I prefer, to run their games on Saturday and Sunday. Now they are using the second game time with an evening game. It's a dumb idea, in my opinion, and I hope they change it back next year.

Speaking of football, does everyone else see it coming down to Denver and Seattle in the Super Bowl? I'm not a Pittsburgh fan by far since I'm both a Chiefs and Cowboys fan. Denver is the lesser of two evils in that game. I'm not a fan of Seattle, but of Coach Holmgren, so I'm rooting for them over the expansion team, Panthers. I just don't like expansion teams as it keeps watering down the professional level of competition in any major sport. Since there isn't a team really worth rooting for like I normally would, I guess I'm going to put my cheers behind Seattle to win it all, but it will be with a lack of enthusiasm. I'm also not sure how much football I'll actually get to watch, either, since I have my kids this weekend. They are more fun than watching any of these teams! :)

I've been trying to exercise a bit lately. I have a Gazelle and hope to have a Health Rider soon. Low impact on the knees is a good thing. I also think there is something more wrong with my right shin. I'm not sure if my knee area has produced enough water that it has swelled my right shin or if I have shin splints, but it will need to be looked at soon. Is it a bad thing to rest your feet up and then when you put your leg down there is a dent that takes a while to fill out so it won't feel like your leg will buckle under you? It feels weird...

My girls are so awesome!! We had a small snowball fight last night, played at the McDonald's indoor play area, watched movies, and still have most of today to go!

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