Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Mixing Current And Old Friends

Last weekend was interesting in another way. I had two old friends visit and they met some of my current friends. It seems that I still have the same tendency to either attract the same friends or I'm some how drawn to similar types of people. It puts me in the reflective mood that makes me wonder if I have even changed at all over the years. It also makes me wonder if anyone truly changes over time or if it's just me.

I don't feel like I've changed much since about 8th grade, except for physically and in knowledge. I also know I've become more cynical in many ways and at the same time more positive in my reactions to events. Of course, having kids assists you in gaining patience and a better understanding of priorities. Have there been any major changes, though? Am I a better person overall or the same? I know that I still have the same weaknesses and that I'm really not any better in those areas. I still have the same likes and dislikes, too. Wouldn't true growth and change make me better?

Of course, thinking about this too much can make my head hurt so maybe it's best that I don't. :) I'm just glad to have good friends.

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