Friday, November 04, 2005

Laughing So Much

I laugh a lot lately. I've been having so much fun watching political debate take place. It's wonderful seeing the education of the public in how some of the latest news items are handled. I have so much confidence in the American people that I'm loving what is going on.

Today we have the Venezualan president and a bunch of people protesting our own president and we have media that loves this and shows it off to Americans. You know, whether you like Bush or not, that's still a major disrespect to our own country. We are truly the greatest nation in the world so when I see this stuff, I just laugh knowing we have it better than them and they want the freedom we have. Protest this country all you want, but we still have more freedom. It's one thing to protest policies when you live here, but quite laughable when you want what we have and then protest us anyway.

The other funny thing is this whole Scooter Libby thing. A cover-up of a non-crime. How funny is that? They have known since January of last year that no crime was committed. There aren't even any charges for this so-called leak after 22 months of investigation. The only charges have to do with the hours upon hours spent before a grand jury with no crime to report. It was hilarious last week hearing all week long how this special prosecutor was going to come out with so many ties to Iraq and about everything else and this is all he had in his pea shooter. I just about busted my gut laughing so hard!

The stuff about the Supreme Court has been going on for a while. It was nice to see the conservatives vet Miers for Bush, in a way. We do expect more, but she wasn't a bad choice, either. I can't wait to laugh again when Alito gets in. It will be so cool having the balance tipped back to the intent of being on the Supreme Court. There are actually a couple of morons on there now who believe we should look to other country's laws in order to determine our cases when the fact is that all law is to be made by the legislative branch and the Supreme Court is to interpret that, not to make law of their own.

It's also funny to hear people gripe about keeping more of their money. This whole concept of the rich being the only ones with tax breaks when they are clearly across the board is insane. Class envy is plain stupid. We all want to be rich and take care of our families and give to charity and pay our bills and have the best health care. That's normal. Why should we penalize people that are able to do that when we want to be able to do it, too? Just because you were born, do you think you are automatically owed these things or do you think you should just have equal opportunity to earn these things. There are so many people who play the lottery and keep their other hand out just waiting for something to drop in their lap. Work for it. That's all it takes. You may not get as rich as the next guy, but you will be successful and be able to take care of you and yours. Quit the griping just because you don't have what a guy like Bill Gates or Donald Trump has. It's just jealousy and a feeling of entitlement. You aren't owed squat in this life! If you don't want your tax cut, send it to me!

The last thing I laugh about is all the doomsayers. Oh, the environment is so bad we won't make it to 2020. Oh, gas prices are going to be $5 a gallon by Spring. Oh, woe is me. I've heard that crap since I was a kid and it hasn't happened. Our economy is actually doing well and we have recovered ok from anything that has been thrown our way. Our world has recovered from everything that we've thrown in the air, too. It's so cocky and arrogant to think we really have that big of an impact on things we have only studied for just over 100 years and have gotten wrong along the way. Wasn't it global cooling that was going to end our world in the 60's? Geez, get your head out of your backside and just enjoy what you have and quit trying to predict the future. Of course, if you did, I wouldn't be getting as many laughs at your expense!

Laughter is the best medicine!

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