Monday, August 15, 2005

Vocal Trash

I was surprised at the Iowa State Fair yesterday. I spent the day there just walking around and spending about $30 on food. (That was in food coupons from my job so it was free to me. I had extras since my kids were unable to go.) I'm not big on the Iowa State Fair as it's, well, Iowa, but I did see one attraction that gave me goose bumps.

Derek told me I needed to see a group called Vocal Trash. He said they have a powerful vocalist and they play on trash cans. Kind of like Stomp with pop music, is how I was hearing it explained.

WOW!! They did come out with some strong vocal harmonies and great rhythms played on old water bottles, tin trash cans, and a huge plastic trash bin for a bass drum sound. They even used brooms to sweep with later in the show. They were fantastic! They did tunes from several styles sticking to mostly pop with songs like "Get The Party Started", "Stray Cat Strut", and then a finale of "We Are The Champions" arranged with "I Love Rock N Roll". They had some guitar, some horns, and lots of vocal and rhythmic finesse.

If you get a chance to see this show sometime this week or even at another fair, do it. It is the best thing I've ever seen at the fair, except for the Def Leppard concert, of course.

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