Thursday, February 08, 2007

Political Survey

Liberal/ConservativeRegistered Repulican who votes Republican.
AbortionWrong. Pro Innocent Life.
Gun ControlThe second amendment isn't just about hunting.
ImmigrationProtect our borders and enforce the law.
War in IraqGlad we liberated them, now get the job done right and patiently.
CommunismFreedom rules! Communism, socialism, and liberalism have never worked.
George BushUsually great president who doesn't waver on most principles.
Third PartiesDon't win elections.
Michael MooreCommunist propagandist.
Gay MarraigeWrong. Not homophobic. Wrong
PiracyHuh? Did you say something? Support artists as much as you are able.
EducationShould be a state and local issue. Get rid of the Department of Education on the Federal level. Lots of money and only going backward.
Smoking in PublicFreedom. No second hand smoke study has been conclusive that it's worse than any other smoke inhilation.
TaxesLOWER THEM DRASTICALLY!! Why should any government get 30% of what I earn?
Take this survey /

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