Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Mother's Day Weekend

Although it was short, Mother's Day weekend was very good. The girls had fun mostly indoor due to the weather, but they did get outside a bit. We played games, watched movies, and grilled out again. To top off the day we called my mom and wished her a happy Mother's Day. I hope that made her day.

One of the hard parts of being a single dad so far away from family is the holidays. It could be Mother's Day, Easter, Christmas, Father's Day, Thanksgiving, or even a Memorial Day or Independence Day when you have certain plans you'd love to share with family. I always miss my girls when they aren't here for one holiday or another, but I also think about my parents. I grew up in a great family and didn't realize it until several years of being out on my own. I treasure each moment with them and miss them dearly.

My Sunday with the girls was cut short since I needed to have them back to their mom's at noon. I hope to make up for it Memorial Day weekend, but we shall see. It was a nice quiet day when I returned and I got a lot of TV watched.

Last night was a good night. I had downed two hamburgers that I fixed with barbecue. Not ten minutes later, my roommate calls asking if I've eaten supper. Of course not, I said. He was out getting things to clean his grill with and wanted to see if I was interested in a steak. Oh, yea, was I interested in a steak! He brought home rib eyes about an hour later that were in a Jack Daniels marinating bag. They marinated for quite some time while he cleaned the grill and got it going. We didn't eat until several hours after I'd had those burgers so it worked out fine. It was fantastic food. I even made some potatoes to go with it. I had to stay up a bit later, but it was quite worth it.

Today was an interesting day. I love my job and do a great job at it. After two years there, I may be ready for some more challenges there and hope to see what is around the corner.

Tomorrow is the Live concert. I'm off work at 2pm and Derek and I hope to hit the road by 2:30pm. Should be a good show. This is his favorite band so I'm anxious to see what it's all about. They have a few good songs and I will have a full report up later this week with pictures, too.

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