Saturday, March 04, 2006

The Move Is Over

These last two weeks were a pretty decent move for a change. The new landlord gave us the 20th-28th at no charge to get things moved. It's so nice being able to move slowly without having to cram everything into one or two days and have boxes all over the place. Most eveything is unpacked, but there are some small things left to do. All of the big things are in place except for the basement. Everything that belongs down there is there, but needs to be arranged. I'm letting the roommates take care of that at their leisure.

The girls are here this weekend and they really like the new house. They were pretty excited about this being their first weekend at the new house. Because there is only one bathroom, there are a few habits to get used to. Thankfully, the new one has a fan! :) I still have to finish the kitchen, but I'm using the dishwasher to get everything clean before putting it away. Oh, the new place has a dishwasher, too. :)

It's interesting living next door to a nursing home and at the end of a dead end street. Parking is something to get used to. We have one long driveway that has enough room for all 4 vehicles. On weekends we are able to use the nursing home parking lot if needed. Due to differing work schedules, we have to work out this parking arrangement. The street is narrower and the neighbors across the street park in front of our house. Just a new arrangement to get used to.

Thankfully there isn't much left to do to unpack, but THE MOVE IS OVER! Now if we can only stay here longer than 18 months...

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