Sunday, February 19, 2006

Nine Inch Nails In Des Moines, IA

I think I finally got it. I've never been a big fan and really wondered why the band got as big as it did, but I think I finally get the appeal of Nine Inch Nails. Brutal is a word I would use to describe the beginning of this show. They came out ready to destroy the world, it seemed. The lights were spot on. The rhythms as tight as can be. The energy was non-stop. The musicianship first class. Everything about this show was well done, until the lull in the middle. They started the show behind a curtain and the lull started when they brought the curtain back down and ran video on it. It was entertaining still, but not as full of energy as the beginning of the show. Thankfully, as they pulled up the curtain the pace started to pick back up and finally reached the high energy for the last three songs.

The set list was as follows:
Mr. Self Destruct
Terrible Lie
The Line Begins To Blur
March Of The Pigs
The Frail/The Wretched
The Big Come Down
Gave Up
Right Where It Belongs
Beside You In Time
With Teeth
Everyday Is Exactly The Same
Even Deeper
The Hand That Feeds
Starfu(k3rs, Inc.
Head Like A Hole

I didn't know many of these songs to begin with and couldn't wait to hear The Hand That Feeds live, but the others were well worth it. I will be getting more of Trent Reznor's music and have become a bit of a fan now.

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