Friday, December 30, 2005

Churches Closed On Christmas?

One of the dumbest things in the world happened on Sunday simply because Christmas fell on a Sunday. There were churches that actually called off their services. How stupid is that? The entire "reason for the season" is that Jesus was born. The entire reason for the church is that Jesus was born. Shouldn't that be a HUGE day for churches? How about calling off church on Easter, too? It falls on a Sunday. How ridiculous!

My dad was pretty disappointed last weekend with church leaders he knows. There were some on TV even trying to explain their reason for calling off services on Sunday. One idiot made the comment that he hopes there are lots of little services in people's homes instead. What a moron! Closing a church on the birthday of the person responsible for you even having a church?

Oh, and the idiot decisions don't stop there. What about all the members who stayed home instead of attending services? What about the idiots who thought that going to some Saturday service would make up for missing church on Sunday? How in the world do they justify these things?

I know that going to church isn't the main thrust of being a Christian. Being a Christian is all about living a lifestyle and making choices in accordance with Jesus' wishes. That does include gathering with other Christians whether at home or someplace like a church. Sunday is the first day of the week and the day the early church gathered on. They did this since Jesus rose on the first day of the week. Being a part of a church is part of living the Christian lifestyle and gathering this way helps strengthen our walk through education and support.

What kind of example are you setting and what does it say for your personal Christian walk if you aren't in church on the recognized birthday of your Lord and Savior? I hope churches don't make this a habit and get back to reality the next time Christmas falls on a Sunday. What a disappointment some churches were this year...

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